Emissence hero

Time to find your inner rhythm in a hustle society

I’m a Women’s Wellness Coach supporting women to get to the root of their health problems, waving goodbye to diet-culture and finding a sustainable way forward  



Is this you?

* You constantly feel stressed and exhausted because of it
* You are overwhelmed by all new diets you read about every other week
* You have been told by the healthcare system that “everything is fine” and “it’s just how it is to be a woman” – but you feel like something is not right with your well-being. 
* You carry a lot of guilt and the feeling that something is wrong with your health

This is where you will be with my help:

* You wake up every day, feeling peace and calmness within you
* You eat food that makes you happy and makes you feel good at the same time (and you never feel guilt about it)
* You understand your body on a deeper level and know how to take care of it to feel your best
* You feel fully present in your body and can separate yourself from all the inhuman expectations from the outer world

My approach

We live in a world where working until you drop is romanticized. A world where stress and guilt over not being enough dresses many women´s everyday lives. This is why I am ready to state that everything is political. Yes, even your health. Look around you. Look at the deprioritized obstetric care, the lack of knowledge over the menstrual cycle, the increased burn-outs among women, and the normalizing of restrictive eating. We do not even have the amount of science on women’s health because it is underfunded. Women are  constantly deprioritized and forgotten. 

Well, with me you are not. I believe in understanding your unique life situation by integrating both individual and societal levels and embracing holistic perspectives. I consider the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional aspects of you as they influence and interact with each other. I take you by the hand so that together we can explore and understand your preconditions and goals. 

I believe that if we empower women, we empower the whole society.

Your first step

Book a discovery session

Do you want to see how we match, what our collaboration would look like, and get a customized plan tailored specifically to you? Before engaging with me as your wellness coach, I recommend you to book a digital discovery session free of charge.

a discovery session

How can I help you?

Find the perfect fit for you and your specific health needs by choosing one of my packages.

It´s not about productivity, adding more things to the ‘to-do’ list just to check them off. Instead, practice tuning into what you specifically need and what makes you feel well

– Emilia
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